foreach ($object->values() as $key => $values) {
foreach ($values as $value) {
self::roll_out($value, "$name.$key", FALSE, $output, $new_keys);
if ($on_prototype) {
$output["$name.$key"]['prototype'] = $on_prototype;
self::roll_out_comment_block($object, $name, $output, $new_keys);
private static function set_type($object, &$on) {
if (empty($on['type']) && ($type = $object->type()) && $type != 'null') {
if ($type == 'variable') {
$on['alias'] = $object->value();
elseif (empty($on['inferred_type']) || $type != 'Object') {
$on['inferred_type'] = $type;
public static function roll_out_comment_block($object, $name, &$output, $new_keys=array()) {
$comments = new DojoCommentBlock($object->comments(), self::$block_keys, array('example'));
foreach ($new_keys as $key) {
self::roll_out_comments($comments, $name, self::$block_keys, $new_keys, $output);
private static function roll_out_comments($comments, $name, $keys, $new_keys, &$output) {
foreach ($comments->all() as $key => $text) {
if ($key == 'example') {
$output[$name]['examples'] = $text;
elseif ($key == 'tags') {
$output[$name]['tags'] = preg_split('%\s+%', trim($text));
elseif ($key == 'returns') {
$output[$name]['return_summary'] = $text;
elseif (in_array($key, $keys) && !empty($text)) {
$output[$name][$key] = ($key == 'summary') ? self::format_summary($text) : $text;
elseif (in_array($key, $new_keys)) {
self::property_text($text, $output[$name . '.' . $key]);
elseif (!empty($output[$name]['parameters']) && array_key_exists($key, $output[$name]['parameters'])) {
self::property_text($text, $output[$name]['parameters'][$key]);
public static function roll_out($object, $name, $into_function, &$output, $new_keys=array(), $is_prototype=FALSE) {
if (empty($output[$name])) {
$output[$name] = array();
self::set_type($object, $output[$name]);
$keys = self::$block_keys;
$this_keys = array();
if ($object instanceof JavaScriptObject || $object instanceof JavaScriptFunction) {
if ($object instanceof JavaScriptObject) {
self::roll_out_object($object, $name, $output, $keys, $is_prototype ? $name : NULL);
elseif ($object instanceof JavaScriptFunction) {
$comments = new DojoCommentBlock($object->comments(), $keys, array('example'));
$parent = $this_comment = $comments->get('this');
if (!$parent) {
$parent = $name;
elseif ($parent == 'namespace') {
$parent = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $name), 0, -1));
$body = new JavaScriptStatements($object->body());
foreach ($body->assignments(FALSE, $into_function) as $variable) {
if (substr($variable->name(), 0, 5) == 'this.') {
$variable_name = substr($variable->name(), 5);
$this_keys[] = $variable_name;
$full_variable_name = $parent . '.' . $variable_name;
if (!$this_comment) {
$found = FALSE;
if (!empty($output[$name]['prototype'])) {
$found = TRUE;
$full_variable_name = $output[$name]['prototype'] . '.' . $variable_name;
$output[$full_variable_name]['prototype'] = $output[$name]['prototype'];
if (!empty($output[$name]['instance'])) {
$found = TRUE;
$full_variable_name = $output[$name]['instance'] . '.' . $variable_name;
$output[$full_variable_name]['instance'] = $output[$name]['instance'];
if (!$found) {
$output[$full_variable_name]['instance'] = $name;
if ($variable_type = $variable->type()) {
if ($variable_type == 'Function') {
self::roll_out($variable->value(), $full_variable_name, FALSE, $output);
$output[$full_variable_name]['inferred_type'] = $variable_type;
$blocks = $comments->all();
foreach ($this_keys as $key) {
if ($blocks[$key]) {
self::property_text($blocks[$key], $output[$parent . '.' . $key]);
// TODO: Look for mixins on the same sort of values
foreach ($object->parameters() as $parameter) {
$output[$name]['parameters'][$parameter->name]['name'] = $parameter->name;
$type = '';
if (!empty($parameter->comments)) {
$type = preg_replace('%(^/\*\s*|\s*\*/$)%', '', $parameter->comments[0]);
self::property_text($type, $output[$name]['parameters'][$parameter->name]);
if ($body->function_calls(TRUE, 'dojo.deprecated')) {
$output[$name]['deprecated'] = TRUE;
$returns = empty($output[$name]['returns']) ? array() : explode('|', $output[$name]['returns']);
foreach ($body->prefix('return') as $return) {
if (($pos = strrpos($return->line, '//')) !== false) {
$returns = array_merge($returns, preg_split('%\s*\|\s*%', trim(substr($return->line, $pos + 2))));
if (!empty($returns)) {
$output[$name]['returns'] = implode('|', array_unique($returns));
self::roll_out_comments($comments, $name, $keys, array(), $output);
return $new_keys;
private static function format_summary($summary) {
return preg_replace('%`([^`]+)`%', '$1
', htmlentities($summary));